AyurSome Foods Appears On the Brightside Food and Drink Channel


Click to play video to see Divya Kumar on the Brightside Club Channel

1. Youtube Brightside Global Trade TV and Podcast
https://youtu.be/QThVD1qmIgg (Ayursome at the Brightside Club  Channel and Hub
https://youtu.be/FwczadwNPWU (Ayursome at the Brightside Food and Drink Show Channel and Hub

Brightside awards Ayursome Foods with a score of 9 Bright Stars the final Star will be appointed when the judging panel makes our BERAC determination for the certificate award in December 2023. 

Chanting, Meditations and Aroma Teas make this brand uniquely special. We enjoyed the teas and highly recommend them for gourmet stores, foodservice and where tea is sold.

Brightside Empirical Reviewz are based on our review of the 9 Brightstar Rating – E-experience, M-motivation, P-presentation, I-ideas, R-relevancy, I-innovation, C-creativity, A-accolades, L-leadership. Each month we nominate the BREA award to those meeting the 9 Brightstar Rating, the nomination is then accepted and  presented at our events or at your convenience. The final Star gives the score a perfect 10 and this qualifies the brand for our certificate award - Brightside Empirical Review Award Certificate.


Sofi™Win Control Sugar Delete AyurSome Foods_BGTC

Control Sugar Delete Tea has been named the 2023 sofi™ New Product Award Winner in the Tea category. The Specialty Food Association’s (SFA) sofi™ Awards—which have been bestowed annually since 1972—are a top honor in the $175 billion specialty food industry. Divya Kumar, owner of AyurSome Foods made a guest appearance on the Brightside Channel, Brightside Global Trade TV and Podcast to talk about the Sofi Win and participation at the Summer Fancy Food Show in New York. Click Here To Watch the Replay/On-Demand
“We are honored that Control Sugar Delete Tea has won a sofi™ New Product Award,” says Divya Kumar, owner of AyurSome Foods. “As entrepreneurs, we want to know that we are creating the best possible product for our customers, and this Award is one of the ultimate stamps of approval.” Control Sugar Delete Tea is found at www.ayursomefoods.com. To learn more About AyurSome Foods Visit https://www.ayursomefoods.com/ Find out more online and connect with SFA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Hashtags: #FancyFoodShow #FancyFoodNYC #SpecialtyFood #sofiAwards #sofiStory Brightside Global Trade TV_Club_June EP4 For more videos like these subscribe www.brightsideglobaltrade.org #brightsideglobaltrade #bgtc #brightsidechannel #bgtcfoodanddrink #bgtcpodcast #bgtconlineTV #Brightsideclub #Brightsidewomen #BrightsideFoodandDrink

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